Fixing Ethernet Driver for B850i

Quick fix for ethernet issues on the B850i
Fri Jan 24, 2025
113 Words

I recently completed a build with the B850I AORUS PRO which out of the box had some compatibility issues with Fedora 41; one of them being the ethernet port not working.

You can fix this issue by installing the correct Realtek ethernet drivers which you can find on their website.

Steps to install:

  1. Dowload the 2.5G Ethernet LINUX driver r8125 for kernel up to 6.9 driver
  2. Unzip the file uz r8125-9.014.01 and run the script contained.

The included README has some helpful commands and guides to help you out as well. This is a super simple fix but it took me a while to figure out. Hope this helps someone out there.